Les Filiales au Québec

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Mission LRC

Légion royale canadienne - Demande d'adhésion à titre de membre

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Filiale 108,


39, rue Gilmour,
Châteauguay, Qc,
J6J 1K5


(450) 691-6780

Fondée le:

16 décembre 1944


13-Vallée de la Châteauguay



Google map:

Pour voir comment se rendre à la Filiale 108 en utilisant "Google map", cliquez ici.

Le comité exécutif de la Filiale 108.
(En date du: 13 avril 2024)
  • Président: Camarade Sharon Peace
  • 1er Vice-président: Camarade Steve Jones
  • Secrétaire: Camarade Colleen Pownall
  • Trésorière: Camarade Wanita Q. Dydyk
  • Officier d'Entraide: Camarade Bertrand Seguin (Burt)
  • Président du comité du Coquelicot: Camarade Peter Jones
  • Président du comité d'adhésion: Camarade Howard Neill

Presentation of certificates

July 1, 2024

Click on the picture to enlarge.

On July 1, 2024, Member of Parliament for Chateauguay-Lacolle Brenda Shanahan presented Comrade Sharon Peace (Current Branch 108 President) and Comrade Peter Jones (Vice President and Poppy Chairman), a Certificate for their commitment with Branch 108 Chateauguay and the community.

Since 2015, Brenda Shanahan, Member of Parliament for Chateauguay-Lacolle, regularly recognizes the contributions of citizens to the community who have enriched the lives of our community through volunteerism, creativity or excellence in their work or performance.

Comrades Peace and Jones made Branch 108 Chateauguay proud.


Donation to Escadron 626 Châteauguay

May 25, 2024

Click on the picture to enlarge and learn more.

On May 25, Comrade Sharon Peace, President and Comrade Peter Jones, Vice President and Poppy Chairperson presented a cheque for $3,000.00 to the Escadron 626 Châteauguay at their Annual Review.

Chateauguay, Branch 108 and Escadron 626 have had a long partnership over the years and this contribution will help in continuing their membership progress over the next year.

Nos Filiales

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